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Hey everyone!

I have ended my time with Patreon because they are horrible, and there will now be a custom replacement called 'Days'. All former VIPs of Patreon have received 60 Days as part of this 'experiment'. Days operate much the same as VIP (and it is still called VIP), but now you are in control of how you spend your Days, just like in real life!

Please read carefully. I am trying to make this less confusing. We'll get there.

'Days' are 'Days of VIP you have to use'. Each Day you visit the site, that will cost you 1 Day. If you skip a Day and don't come to the site, that's NOT -1. You won't lose a day if you don't visit. I will (eventually) come up with a webpage that shows recent updates to the site without docking you a Day. That will take some time to set up properly so no cheating takes place. Days will also come with +1 Free Art / Day and more Coins / Day than just Verified users.

As of now, you can buy more Days with Tokens. I am working to make this more streamline for new users, and I will be incorporating this into the site more.

Immortal users do not have Days. You're immortal, FFS. I still owe a few of you Immortal Status.

All those that subscribed to other tiers on Patreon? I'm sorry, but those were not VIP. That was Money for Tokens, and Patreon has decided not to pay me. Please ask them for a refund.
In July, we're headed to the beach! There are a lot of new story ideas to try and release in July, but I have to pick and choose which ones! Aside from new Beach Cards (that are different from the old BeachFest pics), there will be a new Exhibition featuring Annie and Tessa! It's really going to come down to whatever inspires me more as I scramble to try and get things done.
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7/24/24 - Get more Artifical Realism babes with Bundle #10! Add 100 new images to your collection!

7/19/24 - In the market for some new art? The Masterworks gallery has been updated with 50 new(ish) images! Add to your collection!

7/15/24 - Get more than enough of your fill of epic bodies and giant breasts in Surf Shop Sirens. Using her 'Annie' disguise, Hannah teams up with Legendary Girl Tessa to pose as a lesbian couple visiting surf shop in a small beach town. Is this surf shop ready for them? Will they use the dressing rooms to try on bikinis? Not a chance on either count.
7/12/24 - 15 new Banners have been added based on previous works. Find them in the normal rotation, or just go buy them.

7/11/24 - In light of a growing desire for more of Hannah's alter ego, Annie Douglas now has a bio! We know it's just Hannah in disguise, but there's nothing wrong with another hot babe to enjoy. Unlock it by reading All I Want For Christmas, or wait until Surf Shop Sirens.

7/8/24 - Need something extra naughty this summer? Rebecca and Becky are at it again in Long Kiss Goodnight! Although, things aren't entirely what they seem.

7/5/24 - Tiffany's Articial Realism Bundle is now available! Get 50 more images of the blonde phenom added to your collection!

7/1/24 - New Beach Cards are here! Enjoy a ton of brand new renders, including some extra-buff beach babes!
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Who would you like to know? Meet one of the many characters basking in the Hannahverse.
Unlock more Bios by reading more stories!
Celeste Casanova
An runaway teen who became the God of Love, and a very real, sometimes troublesome, extremely kinky angel.

Commonly referred to as the 'kinkiest' of the gods, no one has enjoyed being a god more that eighteen year-old Celeste Casanova; a runaway girl whose loving father died and whose mother married a horrible new man, forcing Celeste to literally flee for her life. With no home, no money, and no love from her mother, yet pure hearted, and full of compassion, Celeste was quickly given a new life as a god, gaining amazing powers, immortality, and the task of helping lost souls find love. Now able to use infinite magical powers and be as voluptuous as the older gods despite her young age, Celeste embraces her new powers and begins her new lfe as a god, enjoying the fact she can be an angel, a genie, a mermaid, or just a bubbly teen any time she wants.

Able to do as she pleases, this magical, homeless teen loves her new role as cupid, using her powers to steer oblivious people into each other’s arms. Yet with no normal life, Celeste 'Casanova' lives has found a new home up in the clouds, still very much without a home of her own yet also no longer wanting one. She sleeps in pillows of white clouds, bathes in waterfalls deep in jungles, and hides in plain sight as a tiny bird, butterfly, or even a mouse. Yet also with the raging hormones of a teenager, Celeste cannot resist abusing her godly powers to explore sex much like her fellow teenage god Hannah, only in even more perverse ways. Like Hannah, she is both an immortal god and a teenage girl, yet unlike Hannah, Celeste has no family, no former friends, and nothing to do but live in pleasure. Out of the spotlight that haunts Hannah, Celeste is indeed free to experiment, offering new pleasures to her older gods they might not even be sure if they like, yet cannot deny the pleasures this young god has to offer, especially when this hot, horny teenage girl offers one of her fellow gods her huge, hard, throbbing cock.

Saga Cards are digital 'Trading Cards' that you collect by reading or buying stories! You can save today's Cards in your ♥Art!
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What might the gods and their friends look like in real life? Something like this!

What's cookin', good lookin'? Here's what is coming through the pipeline! See more on the Coming Soon Page!
In August ... we're taking a break to clean up the website and get caught up. While there will still be releases, the main focus is to get caught up on stories! Think of this as our summer vacation after Hannah and her friends got July. If anything fell through the cracks, this is the month we are using to get caught up.



The set is ready for release in August!
CHRONICLE: GOING WITH THE FLOW: What happens when a former Plaything bombshell gains the power to turn into anything she wants? Well, considering she can't really get any hotter, she's going to get gooey and flow all over town enjoying new adventures.


In Development.
CHRONICLE: A JOB FOR SUPER MOM: A bit more bored that usual, Rebecca Larson leaps back into her Halloween Costume from last year to go and fight crime for real! But when that proves to be boring as well, she figures out a way to spice things up even more!


In Development.
In September, it's time for the girls to go back to school! School Days arrives with new School Cards, as well as whatever School-themed fun we can come up with.

ARTWORK: SCHOOL CARDS! School girls and teachers everywhere, and a subset of girls as cheerleaders! Chances are that they will be in less-than-clothes.


In Development.
EPISODE: SPACE INVADERS: Nika flies back to Kyuka to defend it from alien invaders who are discovering it for the first time. What can an entire alien armada do against an invincible god? Nika has some fun in deep space while we learn the story behind her marriage to Scarlett.


This story is outlined.
CHRONICLE: A SUMMER SLING: Rebecca plays matchmaker with her sexy friends Sophia and Tabitha. How's that for a sexy pairing?


In Development.
CHRONICLE: FITNESS GOALS: A late night at the gym proves to be less lonely than expected when a shy, yet handsome young man is joined by an extremely hot teenager who seems to get fit quite quickly.


This is outlined. TBD Release Date.
CHRONICLE (REMASTERED): SUNDAY SCHOOL: If time allows, we'll be updating this classic with 3D artwork. It may get extended a little bit, but not much. This may get delayed until February, seeing as it is about the God of Love and February's theme is love.


This is an update to the artwork, as well as an addtional ~1000 words. TBD Release Date.

Here's some free art to enjoy today! Be sure to use Coins to buy up more art to enjoy any time!

These omnipotent beings live among us! They may share the same power, but not the same desires.