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Molly's Servalli's career as an actress has blasted off to super-stardom over the last few months and she is getting noticed everywhere she goes. Finally discovered, this platinum blonde bombshell defies age and beauty with her ravishing looks and voluptuous frame, but only Molly knows that it is because she has become entangled in a lesbian love affair with a girl less than half her own age, a teenage girl who has taught herself impossible magic. Only going by the name 'Becky', this girl who could be mistaken as Molly's own daughter is learning new magic just as fast as Molly is landing new acting contracts, the young girl's powers growing with each visit she makes to Molly's Hollywood home.

Locked in a love affair she cannot escape, Molly isn't sure if she should be afraid of Becky's growing powers, or in love with them. Becky can teleport anywhere in the world, turn invisible, create objects out of thin air, transform herself into anything and anyone, read minds, control minds, and do even more than that, and yet this bubbly teenager just laughs in the face of responsibility, ethics, and ignores all consequences of abusing her magical powers. At the same time, Molly finds herself craving Becky day and night for no one fucks Molly better than this magical teenage girl. Molly is both mentally and literally haunted by Becky's magical powers as Becky is able to simply grow a huge, thick, throbbing cock between her thighs which dwarfs that of Molly's own husband, and Molly knows that Becky can do the same to her with a snap of her little fingers.

Will Hollywood find out about Molly and her magical affair with this kinky teenager? Will Molly's husband find out that his wife not only loves having a huge dick of her own, but also loves to stuff it deep in the wet pussy of a girl half her own age?
Features: TBD
Length: ???? Words / Pages
Cost: 400 Tokens
Bonuses: No bonuses at this time.
Warning. This story is considered 'Extra Kinky'. It contains sexual acts and gender bending scenarios which may not be perferred by all adult audiences.
All characters depicted in this story who witness or engage in sexual activity are of eighteen years of age or older. While some episodes may contain violence, they are void of any kind of sexual abuse, unwanted sex, or rape. This is a work of pure fiction and not based on any person living or dead.
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Sexual Activity
Straight Sex
Lesbian Sex
Group Sex
Clone/Twin Sex
Self/Solo Sex
Magic Sex
Kinky Sex
Taboo Sex

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