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Gorgeous fitness trainer Jessica had always been quite a spectacle at the giant gym downtown, at least that was until the one and only Hannah Deangelo started to attend her yoga classes each week. Trying to get through the fans, the media, and especially the people who wanted to attend Jessica's classes just so they might get a chance to talk to Hannah and ask her to use her godlike powers to grant their wishes, Jessica does her best to just do her classes and her job, the beautiful and busty babe not at all concerned with the fact that God is in her yoga class.

Yet things get even more intense once Hannah becomes single again, her wild and very public lesbian relationship with the rich and famous Natalia Vasileiv now over. Now that the world knows Hannah is a lesbian, or at least they think she is, all sorts of women are boosting their breasts, wearing tiny outfits to class, and wondering if Hannah might want to date them next. However, on this particular day, Hannah makes it quite clear who she wants once class is over: the busty babe who helps her stretch, bend, and relax. Riding a new wave of sexual freedom, Hannah makes her move on Jessica, and Jessica has no idea what to do. Should she cheat on her boyfriend with God? Should she just give in and have sex with another girl, something she has never done before. Chances are that Jessica will give in, but how far does Hannah want to take things?
Features: TBD
Length: ???? Words / Pages
Cost: 400 Tokens
Bonuses: No bonuses at this time.
All characters depicted in this story who witness or engage in sexual activity are of eighteen years of age or older. While some episodes may contain violence, they are void of any kind of sexual abuse, unwanted sex, or rape. This is a work of pure fiction and not based on any person living or dead.
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Sexual Activity
Straight Sex
Lesbian Sex
Group Sex
Clone/Twin Sex
Self/Solo Sex
Magic Sex
Kinky Sex
Taboo Sex

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